Investing In Childhood Education

Is Your Child Struggling In Their Current Elementary School? 4 Times When Switching To A Public Charter School Makes Sense

Choice in education is what parents have fought hard to achieve for many years. Now, charter schools offer an educational option that bridges the gap between public and private schools. While you may have heard other parents rave about how their child does in their new school, you may be wondering when it makes sense to actually enroll your child in a new program. As you think about your child's current educational situation, look for these four signs that it is time to do something new. Read More 

Learning To Take Time To Write: One Author’s Advice

If you are good at writing, you may want to consider writing for more than just a hobby. In fact, you could write for pay, and you could write things you love to write about for pay as well. At least, that is what the likes of A.R. Knight and Stephen King have in common, and what they would probably tell you. If you feel, however, that you do not have any time to write, consider learning how to take the time to write. Read More 

What Makes A Great Daycare? Here Are 5 Characteristics To Look For

As a busy working parent, you may need help with childcare from time to time. The good news is there are many great daycare and preschool options out there for you and your child. You just want to look for some key characteristics to make sure you pick the perfect one for your needs. Here are some characteristics to look for when comparing daycare options:  Look for Schools With a Set Curriculum Read More 

Avoiding Misunderstandings When Caring for a Child with Simple Motor Tics & Tourettes

Tourette syndrome causes people to behave in ways that they cannot manage or control. For young children with this disease, caregivers need to possess a large amount of understanding. However, simple motor tics can seem like misbehavior if a child caregiver doesn't understand them. This can lead to serious issues with the child would otherwise be easy to avoid. Tics May Seem Like Mocking Behavior Tourette syndrome affects children in a variety of ways. Read More 

3 Holiday Gift Ideas For Daycare Workers

Parents aren't obligated to give their child's daycare workers gifts at the holiday season, but many do choose to do so. After all, your child spends a large portion of their time in their daycare worker's care, and a holiday gift is a nice way to say thank you for the work and thought that the daycare provider puts into their job. But what is an appropriate gift for your child's daycare provider? Read More