Is Your Child Struggling In Their Current Elementary School? 4 Times When Switching To A Public Charter School Makes Sense

Choice in education is what parents have fought hard to achieve for many years. Now, charter schools offer an educational option that bridges the gap between public and private schools. While you may have heard other parents rave about how their child does in their new school, you may be wondering when it makes sense to actually enroll your child in a new program. As you think about your child's current educational situation, look for these four signs that it is time to do something new.

Concerns About the Quality of Education

Today, most schools publish reports that give you insight into the type of educational experiences that students have. For instance, you may see test results for reading and mathematics that show that students in your child's school are not performing to the standards set forth by your state. You may also notice that your child does not seem to be making progress from one year to the next. A K-8 public charter school with a higher performance rating can alleviate your concerns about the quality of your child's education.

A Desire to Explore Specialized Programs

Some elementary schools lack the ability to add programs that help keep kids excited about going to class. Charter schools frequently incorporate specialized programs such as STEM courses along with music and art opportunities that inspire kids to reach their full potential. Your child's current distaste for school might just be a sign of boredom, and going to a charter school that taps into their interest could help them in other areas of their education.

Challenges With Their Current Classmates

Bullying is a huge problem in schools. While it is always best to work with your child's current principal, teacher, and the other student's parents, there sometimes comes a time when you need to take more drastic action. Many children thrive when they leave a formerly upsetting environment, and a switch to a charter school may be what your child needs to make new friends and escape from a bully.

A Desire to Ease the Transition to Middle School

Some students have temperaments that make moving to middle school hard. This is especially common for children with social anxiety or those with disorders that affect their behavior, such as autism. If your child is already worrying about what happens after their early elementary years, then going to a school where they can stay through eighth grade allows them to benefit from staying within a comfortable environment where they can focus on learning.

Contact a school like Imagine Bell Canyon today in order to learn more.
