Learning To Take Time To Write: One Author’s Advice

If you are good at writing, you may want to consider writing for more than just a hobby. In fact, you could write for pay, and you could write things you love to write about for pay as well. At least, that is what the likes of A.R. Knight and Stephen King have in common, and what they would probably tell you. If you feel, however, that you do not have any time to write, consider learning how to take the time to write. Here are a few pointers on how authors actually work, and why they eventually finish writing something every now and then. 

Write to Help Focus in the Morning

Writing is a lot like meditation. When you begin to write, you are trying to focus on what you want to say. It is the same as playing out a scenario or scene in your head. As you allow the scenario/scene to drift through your mind, you can write down what you want to put on paper. You can take notes, scratch ideas down, and then just stash things for later if you are short on time. 

Skip TV in the Evening to Write

Sure, TV is pleasantly numbing, but you are really just escaping into the writings of other authors when you do that. TV is written work acted out. You could be doing that writing, but instead you are watching TV. Turn the TV off for one hour every night and just take that time to write. That is thirty hours in a month, and if you write a thousand words an hour, you have a third or a fourth of a novel in a single month. Additionally, you can easily pick a night where you take a break from writing and just binge-watch everything you have skipped watching in the last several days or weeks.

Write Before Bed

Reading and writing are both relaxing activities. It is why some people read before bed, and others write in a diary or journal. Rather than write in a diary or journal, work on writing stories or a book, with the intention of just writing for fun. You may just turn out something that seems like it could be a really good read for the rest of the world, in which case you can either self-publish it, or try any of the publishing houses around the world to get published. 

Contact a company, likeEverything Author, for more information.
